Who We Are

November 5, 2015

Chartered in 1998, the Newport-Mesa Federation of Teachers Retired Chapter was formed to promote the interests and welfare of retired faculty of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District (N-MUSD) as well as to support the active members of the Newport-Mesa Federation of Teachers (N-MFT) Local 1794.  N-MFT Retired provides a communications link to keep retirees informed and to offer a means to exchange ideas and mobilize around issues that contribute to the well-being of both retired and active members of Newport-Mesa Federation of Teachers.  A liaison is maintained with N-MFT and with the community at large. N-MFT Retired members are represented by both the California Federation of Teachers (CFT) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) as lifetime members. N-MFT retirees are also members of the California Alliance for Retired Americans (CARA). In addition to our professional affiliations, N-MFT Retired has objectives to monitor and protect retiree health and pension benefits as well as to promote social and welfare interests of its members.

An Executive Board is elected by the membership at the beginning of the fiscal year, which begins in August with the Annual ‘Kickoff’ Meeting.  In addition, at least three General Meetings are held each year in settings that promote both social and informational interaction.  Communication is further maintained via an email list, U.S. mail, Chapter web page, and newsletters.  The retired Chapter encourages retirees to participate in community service, offer professional resources, and discuss educational trends to foster the general welfare.